Caring mother proudly posing with her child. She was one of Rohit’s neighbours when he was living in this remote mountain village.
Today it was market day and we took a selection of the photos I made in Necha last year to present to the people who are in the pictures. We were stopped many times on the way and invited to eat some fruit or potatoes or to drink some curd. The market was full of people. Some recognized me and greeted me. Others stared at me strangely or started laughing really loudly. After traveling for a few years in Asia I have become used to these reactions to me and handle them much more easily now than I did to begin with.
At the market day I gave a lot of prints of the photos I took one year ago to the people.
The headmaster of the poor Lower Primary School in Necha and his family posing with a photo taken at their school one year before. This school was almost completely destroyed in the earthquake.
We got in contact with few of the teachers in Necha. We briefly discussed the creation of Micro-Care Nepal Foundation and explained our projects to them. As expected they were very positive and invited us to visit their school later. In the middle of the picture above you can see one of the teachers from the poorest school in Necha. We made a visit to his family on the first day after visiting the market.
In the fields the women were working hard harvesting corn and planting rice…But as always they found time for a picture.
Woman cleaning grain by using a nanglo to toss it, separating grit and soil from the grain.
Children posing close to the fields where they were working with their parents.
A boy proudly posing with his family’s ox. This animal is considered very valuable because it can do an incredible amount of work in the fields. At the end of its working life, it will provide the family with a lot of meat too.